Kiri and


Pig and Porter website – 2012

Robin and Sean from Pig and Porter provided tasty refreshments at our wedding in terms of incredible burgers and microbrewery beer, so when they announced they were going into business together providing artisan event catering we were delighted to write their website. It was been a great learning experience for both of us working with Robin and Sean as they had clear ideas about how they wanted to create their brand, but they were also open to our (read “Kiri’s”!) creative suggestions.

By 2014 the beer side of the business had taken off, so we holed ourselves up on a campsite near Prague to work on an updated structure and design to the site:

However by the time we reached the planned go-live date for this updated site, a graphic design student had done a rebranding of their logo as a project which was, quite frankly, worth them taking on. With a child on the way and us not doing web design full time, we bade Pig and Porter a reluctant goodbye so that someone else could re-do their website. It wouldn’t have been fair on them to remain as their web designers as they were a growing business and we wouldn’t have been able to give them the support that a full time web design company could

See other creative items relating to code, web design / code