The following information was last updated on July 21, 2014 and therefore may now be out of date. Please consume with a pinch of salt!
Personal comments:
Belgium is very easy driving for motorhoming and also pretty good for free places to stay (what with wild camping allowed). We found it easy to get into Ghent and Antwerp from places we'd stopped for free and it was worth paying for the car park in Bruges. In all a beautiful country, with some cracking beer (cheapest at the supermarkets... Delhaize has a good selection!)
EU Member:
Dutch, French, German
1 - een
2 - twee
3 - drie
4 - vier
5 - vijf
6 - zes
7 - zeven
8 - acht
9 - negen
10 - tien
Useful words / phrases:
Hello - Goededag
Goodbye - Tot ziens
Yes - Ja
No - Nee
Please - Alstublieft
Thank you - Dank u
Sorry - Sorry
I don't understand - Ik begrijp het niet
How much does it cost? - Hoeveel kost dit?
Where is the toilet? - Waar is het toilet?
Petrol - Benzine
Vignette / toll requirements:
There are no toll roads in Belgium
Vehicle laws:
Speed limit is 120 kph on motorways and dual carriageways, 90 kph on main roads and 50 kph in built up areas. Minimum speed of 70 kph on motorways.
Reflective jacket and warning triangle are compulsory
If there's no sign saying otherwise, traffic joining a roundabout has priority
Petrol in a can forbidden on ferries
White road signs with a red border and the word "peage" or "tol" means you should stop
Stationary vehicles must have their engines switched off
There must be a metre gap when overtaking a cyclist or a moped
Wild camping rules:
Tolerated in Wallonia apart from on the coast and in forests