Kiri and


Bosnia & Herzegovina

Blog posts

Balkans out of season in a motorhome (November 20, 2013)

The following information was last updated on October 10, 2013 and therefore may now be out of date. Please consume with a pinch of salt!

EU Member icon

EU Member:

No - a green card is necessary for insurance purposes

Currency icon


Convertible mark

Language(s) icon


Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian


1 - jedan
2 - dva/dvije
3 - tri
4 - četiri
5 - pet
6 - šest
7 - sedam
8 - osam
9 - devet
10 - deset

Useful words / phrases:

Hello - Dobar dan
Goodbye - Zbogom
Yes - Da
No - Ne
Please - Molim
Thank you - Hvala
Sorry - Oprostite
I don't understand - Ne razumijem
How much does it cost? - Koliko je ovo?
Where is the toilet? - Gdje je toalet?
Petrol - Benzin

Vignette / toll requirements icon

Vignette / toll requirements:

There are no toll roads in Bosnia & Herzegovina

Vehicle laws icon

Vehicle laws:

130 kph speed limit on motorways, 100 kph on dual carriageways, 80 kph on main roads and 50 kph in built-up areas

Dipped headlights during the day are compulsory

Spare bulbs, spare tyre, first aid kit, reflective jacket, tow rope/bar, snow chains and a warning triangle must all be carried

Make sure your passports are stamped at the border

Must register with the police within 48 hours of arriving within the country

An International Driving Permit is required to accompany your UK driving licence

Winter tyres are compulsory between 15 November and 15 April

Wild camping rules icon

Wild camping rules:

Not known