Kiri and



We travelled 229 miles in Croatia over 2 days between 17 November 2013 and 18 November 2013. It was mainly sunny (1 day) whilst we were there

Key places where we stopped

Blog posts

To toll or not to toll… (November 24, 2013)

Balkans out of season in a motorhome (November 20, 2013)

The following information was last updated on July 21, 2014 and therefore may now be out of date. Please consume with a pinch of salt!

Personal comments icon

Personal comments:

Sadly as we visited out of season, we had to skirt through Croatia pretty quickly due to lack of places to stay. We'd love to visit the coast though at some point

EU Member icon

EU Member:


Currency icon



Language(s) icon




1 - jedan
2 - dva/dvije
3 - tri
4 - četiri
5 - pet
6 - šest
7 - sedam
8 - osam
9 - devet
10 - deset

Useful words / phrases:

Hello - Dobar dan
Goodbye - Do viđenja
Yes - Da
No - Ne
Please - Molim
Thank you - Hvala
Sorry - Oprostite
I don't understand - Ne razumijem
How much does it cost? - Koliko košta ovo?
Where is the toilet? - Gdje je zahod?
Petrol - Benzin

Vignette / toll requirements icon

Vignette / toll requirements:

No vignette required, but the main motorways are all toll, with booths

Vehicle laws icon

Vehicle laws:

Speed limit on motorways is 130kph, 110kph on "express ways", 90 kph on main roads and 50 kph in built up areas. Minimum speed on motorways is 60 kph

Dipped headlights during the day are compulsory between the end of October and end of March, and in reduced visibility

Spare bulbs, first-aid kit, warning triangle, snow chains, a shovel (during winter months) and reflective jacket are compulsory

Petrol in a can is forbidden

You must register with the local police within 15 days of arrival into the country

Wild camping rules icon

Wild camping rules:

Strictly forbidden
