Kiri and


Czech Republic

We travelled 360 miles in Czech Republic over 12 days between 26 June 2014 and 07 July 2014. It was mainly sunny (6 days) whilst we were there

Key places where we stopped

Blog posts

I love Prague (July 8, 2014)

Party time in the Czech Republic (June 30, 2014)

The following information was last updated on July 21, 2014 and therefore may now be out of date. Please consume with a pinch of salt!

Personal comments icon

Personal comments:

Some of the roads were a little fun, but we found some really good campsites to stay on (no wild camping allowed) and even a free aire in Svitavy. Really great country with beautiful scenery

EU Member icon

EU Member:


Currency icon


Czech koruna

Language(s) icon




1 - jeden/jedna
2 - dva/dvě
3 - tři
4 - čtyři
5 - pět
6 - šest
7 - sedm
8 - osm
9 - devět
10 - deset

Useful words / phrases:

Hello - Dobrý den
Goodbye - Nashledanou
Yes - Ano
No - Ne
Please - Prosím
Thank you - Děkuji
Sorry - Promiňte
I don't understand - Nerozumím
How much does it cost? - Kolik je to?
Where is the toilet? - Kde je záchod?
Petrol - Benzín

Vignette / toll requirements icon

Vignette / toll requirements:

Vignettes are required for travelling on motorways, which must be displayed on the right hand side of the windscreen - this can be bought at the border

Vehicle laws icon

Vehicle laws:

Speed limit is 130 kph on motorways, 90 kph on main roads and 50 kph in built up areas. For 50m before a level crossing, the speed limit is 30 kph and red flashing lights or a red or yellow flag indicates an approaching train.

Dipped headlights are compulsory in the daytime

First-aid kit, a set of replacement bulbs and fuses, warning triangle and reflective jacket are compulsory.

Winter tyres are compulsory between 1 November and 31 March

Passport must be carried at all times for identification

Wild camping rules icon

Wild camping rules:

