Kiri and



We travelled 469 miles in Netherlands over 12 days between 26 April 2014 and 07 May 2014. It was mainly cloudy (5 days) whilst we were there

Key places where we stopped

Blog posts

Cheesy clogs (May 9, 2014)

The city of water-retaining ‘amsters (May 6, 2014)

What’s the Dutch for “Sikaflex”? (May 4, 2014)

Jousting and windmills (May 1, 2014)

The following information was last updated on July 21, 2014 and therefore may now be out of date. Please consume with a pinch of salt!

Personal comments icon

Personal comments:

Beautiful country with all of the standard trimmings you'd expect; windmills, cheese, tulips and clogs! Flat and pleasant travelling, although not too much of a choice of free places to park a motorhome; plenty of campsites though. One of our favourite overnight stops was outside a cheese + clogs farm near Volendam.

EU Member icon

EU Member:


Currency icon



Language(s) icon




1 - een
2 - twee
3 - drie
4 - vier
5 - vijf
6 - zes
7 - zeven
8 - acht
9 - negen
10 - tien

Useful words / phrases:

Hello - Olá
Goodbye - Dag
Yes - Ja
No - Nee
Please - Alstublieft
Thank you - Dank je/u
Sorry - Het spijt me
I don't understand - Ik begrijp niet
How much does it cost? - Wat is de prijs?
Where is the toilet? - Waar is de toilet?
Petrol - Benzine

Vignette / toll requirements icon

Vignette / toll requirements:

No vignette requirements and no toll roads

Vehicle laws icon

Vehicle laws:

As you pass the yellow name sign of a town the speed limit is 50kph - this stays the same until you see another yellow sign with a red line through it.

Trams always have right of way - if a tram stops, you must stop

Buses have right of way when leaving bus stops

Must have a warning triangle

Petrol in a can permitted, but forbidden on ferries

When parking, you may need a parking timer (to show how long you have been parked)

Wild camping rules icon

Wild camping rules:

Wild camping isn't tolerated - go to a campsite or marina
