Kiri and



We travelled 308 miles in Slovakia over 12 days between 03 June 2014 and 25 June 2014. It was mainly sunny (8 days) whilst we were there

Key places where we stopped

Blog posts

Saved by a Slovak (June 26, 2014)

Slovakia, we meet again (June 24, 2014)

Snakes and ladders (June 12, 2014)

Ah mountains, how we’ve missed you (June 6, 2014)

The following information was last updated on August 14, 2014 and therefore may now be out of date. Please consume with a pinch of salt!

Personal comments icon

Personal comments:

An exciting country with lots to offer. We particularly enjoyed hiking in the Tatra Mountains and conquering a gorge walk (complete with ladders) in the Slovenský Raj national park. Bratislava is a pleasant city but our 24 hour stay there seemed plenty long enough to take it all in. Found one free place to stay but had to resort to campsites the rest of the time. At least the prices were low.

EU Member icon

EU Member:


Currency icon



Language(s) icon




1 - jeden
2 - dva
3 - tri
4 - štyri
5 - päť
6 - šesť
7 - sedem
8 - osem
9 - deväť
10 - desať

Useful words / phrases:

Hello - Dobrý deň
Goodbye - Dovidenia
Yes - Áno
No - Nie
Please - Prosím
Thank you - Ďakujem
Sorry - Prepáčte
I don't understand - Nerozumiem
How much does it cost? - Koľko to stojí?
Where is the toilet? - Kde je záchod?
Petrol - Benzín

Vignette / toll requirements icon

Vignette / toll requirements:

Vignettes are required for travelling on motorways, which must be displayed on the right hand side of the windscreen - this can be bought at the border

Vehicle laws icon

Vehicle laws:

Speed limit is 130 kph on motorways, 90 kph on main roads and 50 kph in built up areas. For 30m before a level crossing, the speed limit is 30 kph. Minimum motorway speed is 80 kph

Dipped headlights are compulsory in the daytime

First-aid kit, warning triangle and reflective jacket are compulsory

Winter tyres must be fitted between 15 November and 15 March

Slovak Police warn people to be wary of others approaching their vehicle near the border who may damage tyres then offer assistance when the tyre becomes deflated.

You must give way to trams

GPS devices must not be attached to the middle of the windscreen

Wild camping rules icon

Wild camping rules:

Not allowed
