Kiri and



We travelled 1726 miles in Spain over 32 days between 20 January 2014 and 26 February 2014. It was mainly sunny (14 days) whilst we were there

Key places where we stopped

Blog posts

Pilgrims, fuses and more waves (February 27, 2014)

Stormy seas and myriad motorhomers (February 18, 2014)

The joy of networking (February 12, 2014)

Mountains and mud (February 4, 2014)

The rain in Spain… (January 30, 2014)

Such a beautiful horizon (January 26, 2014)

The following information was last updated on July 21, 2014 and therefore may now be out of date. Please consume with a pinch of salt!

Personal comments icon

Personal comments:

Beautiful country with great topological variety; awesome beaches and interesting wetlands and stunning mountains. The autovia (free motorway) network is really good quality, and we had very few issues finding places to stop overnight in aires (or wild camping)... but we were there out of season

EU Member icon

EU Member:


Currency icon



Language(s) icon




1 - uno/a
2 - dos
3 - tres
4 - cuatro
5 - cinco
6 - seis
7 - siete
8 - ocho
9 - nueve
10 - diez

Useful words / phrases:

Hello - Buenos días / tardes / noches
Goodbye - Adiós
Yes - Sí
No - No
Please - Por favor
Thank you - Gracias
Sorry - Lo siento
I don't understand - No entiendo
How much does it cost? - Cuánto cuesta?
Where is the toilet? - Dónde está el baño?
Petrol - Gasolina

Vignette / toll requirements icon

Vignette / toll requirements:

Lots of toll roads along the eastern coast... it should be possible to avoid them though

Vehicle laws icon

Vehicle laws:

Speed limit on motorways is 120 kph, but 80 kph when passing through built-up areas, same for "1st category" roads, 100 kph on "2nd category" roads and 50 kph in built up areas.

Spare tyre and the equipment to change the tyre, 2 warning triangles and reflective jacket are compulsory

The use of full headlights is prohibited in built up areas

Watch out for scams involving people indicating that something's wrong with your vehicle

Horn is not allowed in built up areas

Fill up with LPG at Repsol stations - these are not petrol stations!

Wild camping rules icon

Wild camping rules:

Watch out for "no motorhome" signs around the coast. There should be plenty of free stopovers inland

Avoid motorway service points
